Graziella Trovato

Department of Architectural Composition
Graziella Trovato holds a PhD in Architecture (cum laude 2004) and a Master in Architectural and Urban Heritage from the UPM. Professor of the Department of Architectural Composition and member of the GIPC since 2009. She accounts three research periods (sexenios) granted by the CNEAI. She has been Delegate of the Director for the Coordination of the Degree (2017-2020), Academic Secretary of the Doctoral Program in Architectural Communication (DOCA, 2017-2022) and Erasmus Tutor between 2009 and 2021. Associate Professor and International Relations at UCJC (2005-2008/2014-2017). Leading researcher of the research project TRAHERE TRAin HEritage REuse – 2020-2024 – Action funded by the Community of Madrid through the Multiannual Agreement with the Polytechnic University of Madrid in its line of action Excellence Program for University Faculty, in the framework of the V PRICIT (V Regional Plan for Scientific Research and Technological Innovation).
She is the author, among others, of the books Madrid, entre río y raíles. Pasado, presente y futuro del Pasillo Verde Ferroviario (Ed. Lampreave, Madrid, 2022) and Des-velos: autonomía de la envolvente en la arquitectura contemporánea (Akal, Madrid, 2007). Curator of the exhibition Entre río y Raíles (CentroCentro, Ayuntamiento de Madrid 2022-2023) and Architetti italiani in Spagna oggi with the Cervantes Institute in Rome and AIAC (Italian Association of Architecture and Criticism). He has collaborated in several collective works such as Ciudades posibles (Lengua de Trapo, Madrid, 2003) and Torre de Cristal (Turner, 2010). Since 1998 she develops professional activity with Luis Moya, with whom he has carried out projects of various scales such as the Island Plan of Fuerteventura (Canary Islands 1998-99), the Valdebernardo Park in Madrid (inaugurated in 2007) or the Cataloguing of Contemporary, Industrial and Commercial Architecture for the revision of the General Plan of Madrid (2014-2015).