
Francisco Burgos

Francisco Burgos holds a PhD in Architecture and is Professor at the Department of Architectural Design.

He has given courses and lectures in different universities and centres across Europe and America such as Harvard (Harvard Graduate School of Design), Chile University and the Catholic Pontifical University of Peru. He was on sabbatical between 2014 and 2015, at the UC Berkeley College of Environmental Design (USA), where he organized the ‘City + Water : International Perspectives’ Conference.

From his recent work could be highlighted the book ‘Paisajes en la ciudad. Madrid Río: geografía, infraestructura y espacio público’, of which he is author together with Ginés Garrido and Fernando Porras-Isla. His landscape architecture and public space articles have been published in several magazines such as Lotus International, AV Proyectos, On Diseño, Arquitectura Viva, Arkinka, Civil Engineering, aU – Arquitetura e Urbanismo or a+t – Strategy Space.

He opened Burgos-Garrido office of architecture with Ginés Garrido. From all their projects, Madrid Rio Lineal Park stands out, having been awarded with the 12th Veronica Rudge Green Prize in Urban Design given by the Harvard Graduate School of Design. Other of their most important projects related to landscape are Madrid’s Yellow Belt, Roses waterfront in Girona and the landscape design for the Rio Tajo’s waterfront in Toledo.