Manuel Gazapo

Associate member
International Security Observatory
Manuel Gazapo leads the International Security Observatory. He is a PhD in Political Science and Administration and International Relations from the Complutense University of Madrid. He also holds a Master in International Affairs from the Universidad Pontificia Comillas ICADE, a degree in International Relations from the Complutense University of Madrid and a degree in Economics, Security and Politics from Georgetown University. Manuel also has a Diploma from the Complutense University of Madrid in different areas of study such as international conflict prevention, food security, international security and the influence of the media on diplomatic relations between Spain and the United States of America.
He is Director of the International Security Observatory Congress ‘International on City, Security and Global Terrorism’, which in 2019 celebrated its II edition. In 2017 he coordinated the conference ‘Under Control: Space and Security in the face of new global conflicts. Interdisciplinary conference on security-architecture-urbanism’. In addition, he participated in the research project ‘Narrando Paisajes: programa de divulgación científica sobre paisajes culturales’ (Narrating Landscapes: scientific dissemination program on cultural landscapes).
His recent papers and publications include ‘Cyberspace and Terrorism: the use of the Net as a means of propaganda, recruitment, expansion and destruction’ (Madrid, 2015), ‘Terrorism and Cyberterrorism: The New Face of a Traditional Threat’ (Birmingham, 2015), ‘Terrorism, a threat in constant evolutionstill misunderstood’ (Zurich, 2015), ‘New risks, new threats: Terrorism and organized crime in cyberspace’ (Madrid, 2016), ‘Daesh or the kidnapping and deformation of a religion. Islam y terrorismo: conceptos (des)vinculados’ in Los Estudios Militares y de Seguridad en los Albores del Siglo XXI (Granada, 2017), ‘Terrorismo e inteligencia: Capacidades, fallos y posibilidades’ in La Inteligencia aplicada a la Seguridad del siglo XXI (Madrid, 2017), ‘El Jihad y sus ideólogos: La tergiversación del concepto en el terrorismo contemporáneo’ in Análisis de la Seguridad Internacional desde perspectivas académicas (Madrid, 2017), ‘La colaboración público-privada como mecanismo clave en la lucha contra el terrorismo yihadista’ (Madrid, 2017), ‘Terrorismo Yihadista como amenaza urbana’ (Murcia, 2017), ‘Terrorismo Yihadista como amenaza urbana’ (Murcia, 2017), ‘Ciberespacio: El nuevo campo de actuación del crimen organizado en América Latina’ in El crimen organizado en América Latina: Manifestaciones, Facilitadores y Reacciones (Madrid, 2018), ‘La Inteligencia como instrumento clave en la lucha contra el terrorismo’ in La inteligencia y su actual relación con la seguridad (Madrid, 2018), ‘Internet como catalizador del Terror: El uso del ciberespacio por parte de organizaciones terroristas’ in Conflictos y Diplomacia, Desarrollo y Paz, Globalización y Medio Ambiente (Madrid, 2018).