David Escudero
Associate professor
Dpto. de Composición Arquitectónica
David Escudero is an architect and Associate Professor at the Department of Architectural Composition (DCA, ETSAM-UPM), where he teaches architectural composition, and history and theory of landscape architecture. His PhD dissertation, ‘Beyond Filmmaking: Searching for a Neorealist Architecture in Italy, 194X-195X’, obtained the Extraordinary PhD Award UPM 2020. Also, he has a Master in Advanced Architectural Design, specialized in landscape architecture and theory of architecture. His thesis project was awarded by the XIII Spanish Biennale of Architecture and Urbanism (XIII BEAU).
He has been a Fulbright fellow at the Getty Research Institute in Los Angeles in 2022, and visiting scholar at the College of Environmental Design of the UC Berkeley, California (2017), at the gta Institute for the History and Theory of Architecture of the ETH Zurich (2017) and at the Accademia Nazionale di San Luca (2018). He has lectured at the Center for Critical Studies in Architecture (CCSA), at the University of Valparaiso, and at the Spanish Institute for Cultural Heritage (IPCE), where he has recently coordinated the seminar “Patrimonio 20XX”.
His research topics focus on the intersections between theory of architecture, cinema and representation. He has authored articles in Journal of Architecture (RIBA), Architectural Theory Review, OASE Journal for Architecture, European Planning Studies, and LA+Journal, among others.
His book Neorealist Architecture: Aesthetics of Dwelling in Postwar Italy (Routledge) has been awarded with a Graham Foundation grant 2022.