Carmen Toribio

Associate professor
Department of Architectural Composition
Carmen Toribio Marín holds a PhD with an extraordinary award in Architecture. Currently, she is an Associate Professor at the Department of Architectural Composition (ETSAM, UPM). She is also specialised in landscape architecture and restoration of historic gardens by the Castillo de Batres School of Landscape and Gardening.
She has applied her training and expertise teaching theoretical-practical disciplines in bachelor and master’s degrees at ETSAM. She was actively involved in the creation of the first degree in Landscape Architecture taught in Spain at the Camilo José Cela University.
Her research area focuses mainly on garden and landscape heritage. The results have been published in conference proceedings, national and international seminars and magazines.
Among her latest publications are the books The History of Water Management in the Iberian Peninsula, published by Birkhäuser (where she is co-editor and author of two chapters) and Cultivares. Un recorrido de 200 años por los Viveros Municipales de Madrid, an investigation on historic municipal nurseries commissioned by the Madrid City Council. She has also made a contribution to the Norma Tecnológica de Jardinería 15, Gestión de Jardines Históricos.
Her professional career is consistent with her teaching and research work, with projects in heritage spaces like the Park of the Citadel in Barcelona, Vivero de Estufas del Retiro in Madrid; Parc Font del Racó in Barcelona; Jardín de la Torre del Gobernador in Alella and Jardines del Palacio Arzobispal in Alcalá de Henares.