Eduardo de Nó Santos

Research assitant
Eduardo de Nó Santos is an architect by the Polytechnic University of Madrid. After completing his Final Degree Project, entitled ‘Productive Ecologies: urban agriculture in the Metropolitan Region of Madrid’, he obtained a one-year contract as a research assistant in the Cultural Landscape Research Group. After applying to a call for Research Support Staff of the program of R&D activities in Social Sciences and Humanities of the Community of Madrid LABPA-CM (H2019/HUM5692) leaded by this group.
During these 13 months, he has participated in various research activities linked to the LABPA-CM program and other related projects. In addition, she has been able to improve her training by attending several advanced courses organized by the Institute of Cultural Heritage of Spain or the International Center for Traditional Architecture. He has also been able to attend 2 international congresses and present a first communication as a result of his research work.
He is pre-admitted to the PhD program in Architecture and Urbanism.