
Manuel Sánchez García

Manuel Sánchez García, also known as Manuel Saga, is a PhD architect and a Postdoctoral Researcher Juan de la Cierva at the Architectural History Department ETSAM-UPM. He is the Associate Editor of Architectural Histories, the leading Open Access journal in the architectural history field published by OLH and the European Architectural History Network.

Manuel’s research focuses on landscape, urban and architectural history and theory. It develops through two research lines, one dedicated to Iberoamerican colonial urbanism and another on digital gaming landscapes. His academic trajectory has been highlighted by the Society of Architectural Historians (SAH), in which he participates as founding member of the SAH Contingent Faculty Committee.

Licensed architect graduated at Universidad de Granada (Spain), with a master’s in architecture from Universidad de los Andes (Colombia). He developed a double PhD in architectural history and art history at Politecnico di Torino (Italy) and Universidad de Granada, receiving funding from the Italian Government and graduating in 2022 with honours in both programs. He has been awarded the GAHTC Targeted Acquisition Grand and the SAH Scott Opler Grant for Emergent Scholars, among other grants and prizes. In 2022 he received the Dumbarton Oaks Fellowship for Garden and Landscape Studies, funding a one-year residence at this prestigious research institute of Harvard University at Washington DC. He has been guest critic and lecturer at MIT, Yale University, and University of Maryland College Park, among other academic centers and institutions in the United States, Mexico, Chile, Colombia, Dinamarca, Italy, and Spain.

Author of the monograph Granada Des-Granada (Ed. Uniandes 2018) and coeditor of the volume Mensajes de modernidad en la revista Proa (Ed. Uniandes 2020), both highlighted by the Colombian Biennial of Architecture and Urbanism in its 2020 and 2022 editions. Manuel’s research has been published in international journals such as EGA Expresión Gráfica Arquitectónica, Studia Histórica: Historia Moderna, Culture&History, and Dearq. He has also authored chapters in edited volumes published or forthcoming by Routledge, De Gruyter, UAP, EUG and Abada, among others. Through the byname Manuel Saga he develops academic communication activities in social media, digital platforms and traditional printed publications such as National Geographic Historia and Diario ABC. He is also a collaborator of specialized architecture media such as Blog FQ by Fundación Arquia, Archdaily, Stepienybarno, and La Ciudad Viva.

Grupo de Investigación Paisaje Cultural