
On the morning of March 27, the International Symposium Landscape and Heritage of Modern Architecture will be held to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Colegio Mayor Argentino Nuestra Señora de Luján. The event will bring together specialists in the history of architecture and urbanism of Madrid, in architectural restoration and cultural heritage, and in the figures of Horacio Baliero and Carmen Córdova, authors of the project, and Javier Feduchi Benlliure, who directed the work.

The symposium will take place at the Colegio Argentino itself and will be divided into two sessions: one dedicated to the building and its context, and the other to the authors and their legacy. During the break, it will be possible to visit the building, including the rooms that are normally closed to the public. Finally, a round table will be held to discuss the challenges of the heritage of the University City of Madrid. The event is aimed at professionals and those interested in the history of architecture, urbanism and heritage conservation.

Full program

On-site seminar
Auditorio del Colegio Mayor Argentino. Madrid.
Organizer: Nicolas Marine. Departamento de Composición Arquitectónica (DCA)
and Cultural Landscape Research Group (GIPC).
Moderators: Nicolás Mariné and Iñigo Cobeta.
