Rodrigo de la O

Associate professor
Department of Architectural Composition
Rodrigo de la O holds a PhD in architecture and is a professor in the Department of Theory of Architecture. His field of research is the theory and history of architecture, as well as cultural landscapes and the theory of conservation of our recent past. He currently coordinates the Master’s Degree in Cultural Heritage in the 21st Century: Management and Research.
He developed his doctoral thesis with a predoctoral grant from the International Programme for Attracting Talent of the Moncloa Campus and obtained the Extraordinary Award from the Polytechnic University of Madrid. In 2018, he obtained the José Castillejo grant at the Biblioteca Hertziana – Max Planck Institute for Art History, in Rome. He has completed research stays at the Institute for the History and Theory of Architecture at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich (2014) and at the Canadian Centre for Architecture (2013).
In 2019 he curated the exhibition Atlas de Teoría(s) de la Arquitectura in Círculo de Bellas Artes in Madrid. Between 2011-14 he coordinated Paisajes Culturales de la Energía, a National R&D Plan project that won the award in the research category of the XIII Bienal Española de Arquitectura y Urbanismo (XIII BEAU). In 2013 he curated, together with Concha Lapayese and Francisco Arques, an exhibition based on this last project that showed the results of the research in La Arquería de Nuevos Ministerios. He is a member of the Technical Monitoring Commission of the National Cultural Landscape Plan at the Cultural Heritage Institute of Spain. His articles have been published in scientific journals such as Architectural Theory Review, Revista de Arquitectura, LA+, Planning Perspectives, Change Over Time, Studies in the History of Gardens & Designed Landscapes or Cuaderno de Notas.