
As consecuence of past and present relationships between society and nature, Cultural Landscapes are recognized as a particular type of cultural heritage. They constitute the display of morphological, functional, perceptive and symbolic attributes derived from these relations. The main objective of the network presented here is to strengthen a common ground of knowledge shared by teams working on research and preservation of Spanish Cultural Landscapes. The main goal is to develop scientific and technical activities that tackle the challenges being brought forward by this type of heritage assets.

The National Plan for Cultural Landscape is the result of European agreements ratified by Spain. On it, Cultural Landscape is defined as the outcome of the interaction between people and Nature over time. Its manifestation is a territory that holds the identity of a community and that is perceived and valued by its cultural attributes. The inclusion of Cultural Landscapes in heritage directives has increased prominently the number of heritage assets to be preserved. Nevertheless, human involvement take a central role in this kind of heritage. For the first time, certain factors become essential in heritage studies, such as sensorial experience, perception or meaning of the built environment.

These new challenges have defiance the authorities tasked with protecting Cultural Landscapes. Thus, the network presented here is the consecuence of an objective necessity: to implement a scientific program that covers the Spanish experience on research and management of Cultural Landscapes. The expected result is to reinforce the national research structures on the matter and to promote the internationalization of the knowledge obtained. The research groups that integrate this team represent a wide array of specialized approaches to the study of Cultural Landscapes. Therefore, the aim of this network is to consolidate a model for interdisciplinary integration.

Grupos de investigaciónUniversidad
Grupo de Investigación Paisaje Cultural
Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
Geovisualización, Espacios Singulares y Patrimonio
Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
Sistemas socioecológicos, Paisaje y Desarrollo Local
Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
Desarrollo Territorial de Castilla-La Mancha
Universidad de Castilla – La Mancha
Arquitectura, Historia, Ciudad y Paisaje
Universidad de Castilla – La Mancha
Laboratorio de Paisaje Arquitectónico, Patrimonial y Cultural
Universidad de Valladolid